Donna Powys is a character from the 2000 AD strip Second City Blues. She was a resident of Second City who worked as a nurse at the Sleepy Hollow Voluntary Euthanasia Centre, but dreamed of escaping through the dangerous sport of Slamboarding. A member of the Second City Blues, Donna was a fearless, skilled and inventive slamboarder whose unorthodox approach ran to once flashing her boobs at an opposing team of Centaureans in order to distract them from the ball, a move which did not meet with the approval of her friend and teammate Shaila Kapoor. She was injured in a match against the Red Barons when her board overheated and she broke her arm, but she soon recovered.
Powers and abilities[]
Strength level
Young human female athlete.
Her board; helmet; kneepads.
Her board; a hover-van she 'borrowed' from work.
The centre Donna works for is called 'Sleepy Hollow' or 'Happy Valley', depending on the panel.
- Appearances of Donna Powys
- Character Gallery: Donna Powys
- Images that feature Donna Powys
- Fan-Art Gallery: Donna Powys
- Donna Powys quotations
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