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Albion British Comics Database Wiki

Doctor Who Comic Vol 2 4

Appearing in "The Hyperion Empire (part 1)"[]

Featured characters:

Supporting characters:


  • The Hyperion Empire
  • The Scorched

Other characters:

  • Astronauts (die)
  • Fishermen (die)
  • U.N.I.T. troops (die)
  • Looter (dies)
  • Sam the fireman (surprisingly not dead yet)


  • 400 km above Earth
  • Lake Windermere
  • Cabinet Office Briefing Room A, Downing Street
  • London, summer, 2015


  • Sonic screwdriver
  • Axe belonging to Sam the fireman
  • Gun belonging to looter


  • Mysterious fiery spacecraft
  • RAF helicopters

Synopsis for "The Hyperion Empire (part 1)"[]

The International Space Station is hit by a mysterious fiery object and destroyed. Lake Windermere is hit by a mysterious fiery spacecraft and evaporates. A U.N.I.T. force goes to the Lake District and is killed. All communications channels on Earth receive a message: "Hyperios rises." Other spaceships gather around the planet. The Doctor and Clara land in London in the summer of 2015 and are taken aback to find that it is a charred, incinerated waste land. Clara enters Westminster Abbey and a fireman called Sam (who has already heard all the jokes) saves her from an ash monster. Sam says that the ash zombies are called 'the Scorched', and are "the ones they burned first." The Doctor goes to a shop and finds a looter with a gun, who is attacked and killed by the Scorched.

Appearing in "Four Dimensions"[]





Featured characters:

Supporting characters:


  • Talent Scout

Other characters:

  • ARC


  • Space
  • TARDIS engine room
  • TARDIS swimming pool
  • TARDIS console room


  • Blackboard
  • Stick of chalk (white)


Synopsis for "Four Dimensions"[]

John Jones is dressed as a clown (like in the video of 'Ashes to Ashes'). The Doctor is crippled by remorse for his actions in the previous issue. ARC uses the TARDIS telepathic circuits to find the rest of himself, a.k.a. 'the Entity'. This causes a dangerous paradox which plonks ARC, the Doctor, Alice and Jones into four separate places, identified in the comic by their different colours. ARC's narrative is pink, the Doctor's black/grey, Jones' blue and Alice's yellow. The Talent Scout tries to tempt Jones but fails. The Doctor has an out-of-body experience and witnesses the origin story of the Talent Scout. Alice and Jones' storylines converge, creating a joint narrative which is green. Alice opens the TARDIS doors. ARC turns up and punches the Talent Scout so hard he falls out of the TARDIS. The Doctor re-enters the TARDIS and summarises their encounters with the Talent Scout so far on a blackboard.

Appearing in "Conversion (part 1)"[]





Featured characters:

Supporting characters:


Other characters:

  • ARC
  • Roman soldiers
  • The Emperor Constantine


  • Berlin, 1976 AD
  • Space
  • Northern Rome, 312 AD


  • Bespoke Entity-detecting device


Synopsis for "Conversion (part 1)"[]

The Doctor and Jones are searching for the Entity. Their search leads to them speeding along the top of the Berlin wall, on a motorbike, in 1976. Just as they are about to be shot by guards in a helicopter they go through a wormhole (the Entity has learnt how to travel in time and space because it has spent time in the TARDIS engines) and end up in space, next to a giant comet. ARC and Alice use the TARDIS to rescue the Doctor and Jones. The Doctor explains that the giant comet is, in fact, the Entity, and it is about to smash into Earth and kill everyone there. Down on Earth, the a young man gives his life to save the Roman Emperor Constantine, shows him the Christian cross he is carrying, looks at the bright light in the sky, and dies. This has a profound effect on Constantine. ARC uses the TARDIS to talk to the Entity and alter its trajectory. This means that when it crashes into the Earth it causes a big explosion but doesn't actually kill anything. The explosion has a similar effect on Constantine. Two Roman soldiers guarding a road are startled by an army of Entity-controlled Cybermen.


Published by Titan Comics in January 2016.


Also contains one-page humour strips.

Recommended reading[]

The next issue of this comic.

Links and references[]

Why not visit the Titan Comics website?
