Albion British Comics Database Wiki

Doctor Who Adventures is a magazine aimed at younger readers (6 to 13 years) launched in March 2006 by BBC Magazines, a division of BBC Worldwide. It typically includes a full length Doctor Who comic strip, plus a number of short features, articles and puzzles based around Doctor Who. Initially fortnightly, it became a weekly in 2008 but went back to being bi-weekly in 2013 and then switched to monthly frequency in 2014.

As a juvenile publication, it effectively caters to the younger end of Doctor Who fandom, while Doctor Who Magazine caters to the older age bracket. In common with many comics and magazines aimed principally at the under tens, there is generally a Doctor Who-related gift given away with each issue. Stationery items seem to be very common for some reason, as are stickers and badges.

In April 2015, the licence to produce Doctor Who Adventures was taken over by Panini (also publishers of the Doctor Who Magazine) and the title was relaunched with a new issue #1. In July 2017, following an erratic publishing schedule and falling sales, the title was put on indefinite hiatus with issue #24 being the last one published.

11th doctor strip