Albion British Comics Database Wiki
Deadline 14

Deadline was a comic magazine published by Deadline Publications Ltd between October 1988 and September 1995 (71 issues in total), the brainchild of Brett Ewins and Steve Dillon and a successor of sorts to Ewins's earlier title Strange Days (co-created by Brendan McCarthy and Peter Milligan). Initially a monthly publication, it dropped to bi-monthly frequency in June/July 1994. Intended to tell stories for an older audience than traditional British comics such as 2000 AD were aimed at at the time, Deadline ushered in a wave of adult orientated comics magazines including Crisis, Revolver and Toxic! but outlasted all of them due to its irreverent, experimental nature, which attracted readers who would not normally have bought comics. As well as new, UK originated strips with a distinctly counterculture feel to them, the magazine also featured articles (mostly on the music scene) and later introduced some reprints of "alternative" comics from the USA including the long running Love & Rockets by Los Bros Hernandez. Notable strips included Jamie Hewlett and Alan Martin's Tank Girl, Philip Bond's Wired World, Peter Milligan's Johnny Nemo, Beryl the Bitch by Julie Hollings and A-Men and Space Boss by Shaky Kane, though many other prominent British creators also contributed during the book's lifespan including Brian Bolland, Glenn Fabry, Shane Oakley, D'Israeli, Simon Bisley, Warren Ellis and John Bolton. There was also a US edition of Deadline called Deadline USA, published by Dark Horse Comics.
