Captain Constanta was the leader of a squad of Romanian soldiers who worked alongside German units in World War II. Unfortunately for their allies, Constanta and his men were also vampires whose natural tendency was not to distinguish between victims when they wanted a spot of lunch. Costanta seemingly died thanks to an investigator who found the diary of German soldier Hans Schmitt years after the war and staked him, but it's hard to keep a good vampire down and he has since returned several times.
Powers and abilities[]
All those of the classical vampire, including turning to mist and changing into a bat.
Control over lower animals.
Strength level
All those of a classical vampire, notably sunlight, wooden stakes and holy water.
Constanta was the main villain in the strip Fiends of the Eastern Front, which ran in 2000 AD progs 152 to 161. It was reprinted in Judge Dredd Megazine #245 to #252.
- Constanta had a cameo in 2000 AD prog 2000 (published September 2016) which was drawn by Dave Gibbons.
- Constanta once made an unexpected appearance in Mega-City One after its scientists started experimenting with dimension-jump technology, in the Judge Dredd story 'Helter Skelter' by Garth Ennis.
- Appearances of Captain Constanta
- Character Gallery: Captain Constanta
- Images that feature Captain Constanta
- Fan-Art Gallery: Captain Constanta
- Captain Constanta quotations
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