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Appearing in "A Throne Threatened!"[]

Featured characters:

Supporting characters:


Other characters:


  • One of London's greenbelt communities
  • Buckingham Palace
  • Jamie Braddock's Chelsea flat
  • Portsmouth


  • Queen Elizabeth's favourite diamond ring
  • Ring containing the Manipulator's mystical gem


  • Police car
  • Lots of Royal Navy ships

Synopsis for "A Throne Threatened!"[]

A hypnotised Captain Britain attacks Queen Elizabeth II but is stopped by the Highwayman, who asks the Queen for a tour of Buckingham Palace as a reward. Captain Britain is arrested by Dai Thomas, recovers from his hypnosis and uses his Star Sceptre (which the police officer had foolishly placed on the seat of the police car next to him) to effect his escape. While touring Buckingham Palace, the Highwayman replaces the Queen's favourite diamond ring with one containing the Manipulator's mystical African gem, which he uses to brainwash people. Captain Britain tells his siblings that the Queen is still in danger. He follows her on her silver jubilee visit to Portsmouth. The Manipulator beams a signal to the Queen via her ring, telling her to command the Royal Navy to reconquer Umbazi, the country he used to rule.


This is the final issue of this volume. The story continues in Super Spider-Man and Captain Britain #231.


Published by Marvel UK in July 1977.

Recommended reading[]

The next comic in this series.

Links and references[]

See also: Captain Britain trade paperback.
