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Appearing in "The Night Big Ben Stood Still!"[]

Featured characters:

Supporting characters:


Other characters:


  • London's Docklands
  • Big Ben


  • Germ bomb attached to big hand of Big Ben


  • Police car

Synopsis for "The Night Big Ben Stood Still!"[]

To buy some time, Lance Hunter phones the Red Skull to tell him that parliament will acquiesce to his demands. The Red Skull halts the execution of Captain Britain, Captain America and James Callaghan. Hunter asks Fury, now awake, to run S.T.R.I.K.E.'s command centre while he climbs Big Ben to search for the germ bomb which the Red Skull has planted there. (How Hunter knows the bomb's location is not made clear.) Fury tries to prevent the bomb going off by stopping Big Ben, but the Red Skull uses his amazingly powerful computer to start the clock again. This is bad news for Hunter, who is dangling from a rope attached to the clock's big hand, which is also carrying the bomb. Meanwhile, Captain Britain has escaped from the Red Skull only to encounter his nemesis, Dai Thomas.


Published by Marvel UK in March 1977.


This is the last issue in this volume to be printed in colour, and the last to be pencilled by Herbert Trimpe, the original artist and co-creator of Captain Britain.

Recommended reading[]

The next comic in this series.

Links and references[]

See also: Captain Britain trade paperback.
