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Appearing in "Mayhem At Midnight!"[]

Featured characters:

Supporting characters:


Other characters:


  • London's Docklands
  • S.T.R.I.K.E.'s London HQ
  • House of Commons


  • Hypodermic syringe containing knock-out drug


  • Double-decker buses in establishing shots

Synopsis for "Mayhem At Midnight!"[]

Captain Britain and Captain America investigate the abandoned warehouse where they think the Red Skull is hiding. The floor opens beneath them and they fall into a huge tank of water, which in turn spits them out right in front of the Red Skull himself. The two heroes are forced to surrender when the Red Skull holds a gun to the prime minister's head. Meanwhile, Lance Hunter thinks that Nick Fury is too tired and emotional (not a euphemism) to help him catch the Red Skull, so he jabs him with a hypodermic syringe containing a knock-out drug. Fury keels over and has a terrible nightmare about everybody in London dying. A vagrant down at the docks tries to tell the police that he's seen hundreds of Nazis with uniforms and guns, but is disbelieved because he is an alcoholic. Lance Hunter tells parliament that it must decide whether to surrender to the Red Skull or to let the prime minister die.


Published by Marvel UK in March 1977.


The cover makes it look as though the Red Skull's "TRAP OF DOOM!" is a child's paddling pool rather than a huge tank full of water.

Recommended reading[]

The next comic in this series.

Links and references[]

See also: Captain Britain trade paperback.
