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Appearing in "...From The Ashes!"[]

Featured characters:

Supporting characters:


Other characters:

  • What Doctor Synne calls 'rustics'



  • Mop and bucket (Emma's)
  • Quarterstaff (Brian's)


  • None

Synopsis for "...From The Ashes!"[]

Captain Britain is cast into the flames, but fortunately discovers that if he presses a button on his quarterstaff it generates a forcefield. Meanwhile, at Braddock Manor, housekeeper Emma Collins switches off the huge computer in the basement so she can give the room a thorough clean. This deprives Doctor Synne of all his powers. He just has time to tell Captain Britain about the nature and location of the evil computer before he dies of a heart attack. Emma finishes cleaning the cellar and switches the computer back on. Captain Britain races back to his ancestral seat to confront his late father's creation.


First published in January 1977 (week ending January 5th, to be precise).


Presumably Captain Britain never knew that his quarterstaff had forcefield capabilities before because he had never previously been in the middle of a fire.

Recommended reading[]

The next comic in this series.

Links and references[]

See also: Captain Britain trade paperback.
