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Appearing in "...To Die A Superhero!"[]

Featured characters:

Supporting characters:


Other characters:


  • Unnamed village near Braddock Manor
  • Morder Clinic (also spelled Mordor Clinic)


  • Chains binding woman to stake (broken)


  • None

Synopsis for "...To Die A Superhero!"[]

Captain Britain saves a woman from being burnt to death for witchcraft by mind-controlled villagers. Doctor Synne appears and says that rather than have the villagers kill Captain Britain, he'll do it himself. Meanwhile, a mysterious computer controlling Doctor Synne diverts its energy from "all other subjects" to Synne, granting him the upper hand in his battle against Captain Britain. In the Morder Clinic, Jamie is delighted to see his sister Betsy (in a fetching pink nightie) awake from her coma. Back in the village, Synne uses telekinesis to dump Captain Britain in the fire.


First published in December 1976.


It appears from this issue that, while Chris Claremont had wanted Betsy to remain under the control of Dr Synne, Gary Friedrich had other plans and swerved the story in a different direction. Therefore, the whole 'they think Betsy's being treated but really the doctor is secretly brainwashing her' storyline that had been set up never went anywhere.

Recommended reading[]

The next comic in this series.

Links and references[]

See also: Captain Britain trade paperback.
