The Captain Britain Corps is an organization made up of numerous versions of the superhero Captain Britain from various alternate Earths, including Captain Britain of Earth-616, Captain UK from Earth-238, Captain England, Captain Albion, Captain Airstrip One and others. Each member of the Corps, which was apparently founded by Merlyn and his daughter Roma, is responsible for guarding their own version of Britain on their own Earth, but they have on occasion banded together to fight in a common cause. At least one member, Kaptain Briton, has fallen short of the Corps' high ideals.
Powers and abilities[]
All have variations on the powers of Captain Britain (Brian Braddock)
Law enforcement.
Strength level
Their costumes.
Some of them can fly.
Some have quarterstaffs.
Members include:
- Captain Airstrip One (apparently from the 'England' in Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four)
- Captain Albion (a woman who says things like "I'faith, 'tis well met, sirrah")
- Captain Angleterre
- Captain Britain, an upperclass English gentleman
- Kaptain Briton (basically a Nazi)
- Captain Commonwealth (a man from Earth-920 who is, unusually for the Corps, black)
- Captain Empire (a short man with a huge handlebar moustache)
- Captain England (a big bearded man who sounds like he's from Yorkshire)
- Kommandant Englander (also a Nazi)
- Captain UK, a woman from the Earth deleted by the Dimensional Development Court
- Appearances of Captain Britain Corps
- Character Gallery: Captain Britain Corps
- Images that feature Captain Britain Corps
- Fan-Art Gallery: Captain Britain Corps
- Captain Britain Corps quotations
Discover and Discuss[]
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