Calgacus is a character from the 2000 AD strip Sláine. Plucked from his own time-stream by the Cythrons, Calgacus was made to fight in the arena against various hordes of foes.
Calgacus was inspired to take up his sword against his Cyth oppressors when he witnessed Sláine take down the Type III Battle Orgot. Later he accompanied Sláine as a part of Myrddin's group to stop the reawakening of the dark god Grimnismal (alongside Mogrooth, Nest, Tlachtga and Ukko). After the Cyth girl Oeahoo was forcibly made to join the team, Calgacus showed immediate dislike and didn't trust her in the slightest.
His hunch proved to be half correct, as when travelling through Grimnismal's tomb he was hit by a projectile spear, killing him, despite Oeahoo having said the traps were disabled. Surprisingly, the habitually stoical Sláine was saddened by his comrade's death, perhaps due to his being a fellow Celt.
Powers and abilities[]
Armed combat.
Strength level
Peak human male.
Calgacus is based upon the ancient warrior of the same name.
- Appearances of Calgacus
- Character Gallery: Calgacus
- Images that feature Calgacus
- Fan-Art Gallery: Calgacus
- Calgacus quotations