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Business as usual1

Business as Usual was a four part story by Alan Moore and David Lloyd which ran as a back-up feature in Doctor Who Weekly #40-#43, published from 17th July-7th August 1980. Like all the title's back-up stories, this creepily atmospheric tale did not feature The Doctor himself (he was confined to a headshot introducing it) but instead focused on another character, in this case luckless industrial spy Max Fischer, who breaks into the Galaxy Plastics factory in order to steal the secret of a new method of bonding carbon atoms, only to find that the place is a front for the alien Nestene Consciousness and its Auton servants in their latest attempt at the conquest of Earth. Fischer spends three episodes attempting to escape the Autons and their sinister leader Mr. Dolman, but is ultimately killed, though not before he has destroyed Galaxy Plastics. Six months later, we are told, a man calling himself Max Fischer invests money in a new plastics factory and, when he's in a whimsical mood, occasionally leaves flowers on a shallow grave in the factory grounds; the grave of the real Max Fischer. "Plastic flowers, naturally"...

The story has been reprinted several times. A last minute reprint in Doctor Who Magazine Vol 1 184 apparently angered Moore, who complained about the strip being reprinted without his being consulted. The magazine's editor wrote a letter of apology, but Moore almost immediately phoned to say he had no recollection of complaining and had no issue with the reprint.
