Albion British Comics Database Wiki
Ben Willsher


Willsher Shuggy Bear

By Ben Willsher

Ben Willsher, whose website is here, is a British comics artist. For the Judge Dredd Megazine he has produced a cover for issue 299; 'Let's Kill Santa' for issue 318; 'Tough Love' for issue 334; 'Duty Calls' for issue 342 and 'Rubicon' for issues 380-381. (All of those were Judge Dredd stories.) and he has also illustrated several prose stories for various Doctor Who annuals. For 2000 AD he has drawn the following:

As a reward for reading all the way to the bottom of this list, here is a ghafflebette picture of Ben Willsher in a spot of bother with the law:

Ben Willsher and Judge Dredd

