Appearing in "Judge Dredd: The Graveyard Shift (part 4)"[]
Featured characters:
Supporting characters:
- Citi-Def
- Mobsters
- Mutants
- Unknown hand chopper
Other characters:
- Judge Spano
- Vince St. Clair and Carol Monroe blocks, sector 117
- P. B. Floyd housing complex
- North sector 225
- West wall
- Sector 93
- Undercity
- 85 grams of sugar (discovered in crime swoop)
- Bag containing human remains
- Lawmasters
Synopsis for "Judge Dredd: The Graveyard Shift (part 4)"[]
A block war breaks out between Vince St. Clair block and Carol Monroe block. Dredd and Hershey carry out a crime swoop in P. B. Floyd housing complex. Dredd then goes to help quell the block war so that he doesn't have to do the post-swoop paperwork. Criminals fight each other in north sector 225. Mutants from the Cursed Earth have broken in through the west wall. (Presumably when they see what an average night in the city is like they'll quickly return to the Cursed Earth again.) Seventeen human left hands are found in a holdall in sector 93. Vince St. Clair Citi-Def enter the Undercity and plant explosives beneath Carol Monroe block, blowing it sky-high. Dredd's response: "DROKK!"
Appearing in "Sláine: The Bride of Crom (part 2)"[]
Featured characters:
Supporting characters:
- Fea the Hateful
- Nemon the Venomous
- Catha the Fury (doesn't speak)
- Medb
- Skull Swords
Other characters:
- Prisoners in the wickerman (one of whom looks just like Massimo Belardinelli)
- Sacred grove of Drunemeton
- Spears
- Sláine's axe Brainbiter
- None
Synopsis for "Sláine: The Bride of Crom (part 2)"[]
Sláine and Ukko spy on the bride-to-be from the roof of her hut, as the priestesses prepare her for her wedding. The water-clock says that it is time for Medb to be sacrificed to Crom. She is apprehensive, but Fea reassures her. Ukko falls through the roof of the hut and lands in the water-clock. Sláine is attacked by the priestesses, who have spears, and by Skull Swords. Although he kills twenty of the Skull Swords, he is eventually overpowered. The priestesses want to torture Sláine and Ukko for fun, but instead the pair are put in the wickerman to replace two other prisoners who have died of fright. As rescue missions go, it's not one of Sláine's best efforts.
Appearing in "Nemesis the Warlock"[]
Featured characters:
- Nemesis the Warlock (doesn't speak)
Supporting characters:
- Magna
- Torquemada
- Sir Hargan (first appearance)
- Brother Bertold
Other characters:
- Sphinx
- Gandarva, a planet in the Nether Worlds
- Mendes Castle (Magna's home)
- Termight
- Crystal ball
- Bestiary
- Seth the Blitzspear
Synopsis for "Nemesis the Warlock"[]
Nemesis leaves his wife and newhatched son so that he can continue his work as a freedom fighter. Chira has a premonition that she will never see him again. Magna spies on her in a crystal ball. Torquemada tells Sir Hargan that he has a task for him. He takes him to the scriptorium, where a monk is drawing a picture of a sphinx. The picture makes the sphinx looks vicious and dangerous, so that people will learn to fear aliens. Brother Bertold brings out Torquemada's private bestiary. In it is a picture of the alien Sir Hargan must kill: the female Warlock and her offspring, the homunculus. Sir Hargan vows to kill Chira and Thoth or perish in the attempt.
Appearing in "Strontium Dog: The Moses Incident (part 4)"[]
Featured characters:
Supporting characters:
- None
Other characters:
- Martha Quest, Moses' mother
- Nomi's World, colony planet in the galaxy's outermost spiral
- The outer corona of a dying red giant
- Coffin containing the body of Moses Quest
- Astro-freighter
- Escape shuttle
Synopsis for "Strontium Dog: The Moses Incident (part 4)"[]
Driven mad by guilt, Johnny digs up Moses' body so he can take it to a place called 'The Island of the Living Dead'. Wulf thinks that he is insane to believe that Moses can be resurrected there, but he goes along with Johnny's plan anyway. Moses' mother discovers that her son's body has been stolen. She and the other townspeople try to stop Johnny, but he hijacks the astro-freighter.
Appearing in "Rogue Trooper: From Hell to Eternity (part 4)"[]
Featured characters:
Supporting characters:
Other characters:
- Caliban Island, Scum Sea, Nu Earth
- 'Jellyfish' explosives (they float on water)
- Micro-mines
- Nort ships
Synopsis for "Rogue Trooper: From Hell to Eternity (part 4)"[]
The Nort missiles fired at the island don't hit Rogue or his companions. The Norts send a landing party ashore, but the Genetic Infantrymen kill them all. (Gunnar autofires, Rogue puts 'jellyfish' explosives in the water, and Bagman uses his favourite toys: micromines.) Then Venus admits that she killed the other people who crashed with her in the shuttle.
Published by Fleetway on October 15th 1983. Sold for 20p in the UK.
Letters and fan art from readers are published in the Nerve Centre.
Recommended reading[]
Some of these stories are also collected in trade paperbacks.
Links and references[]
The official website of 2000 AD includes an online shop.