Appearing in "Robo-Hunter: Killing of Kidd (part 5)"[]
Featured characters:
Supporting characters:
Other characters:
- Doris Morris (Kidd's mum in the TV show)
- Fernando Ho (Kidd's dad in the TV show)
- Gloria Swansong (Kidd's sister in the TV show)
- Eric, the show's director
- Andy, the show's resident alien
- Kidd's mother
- Kidd's fans
- Brit-Cit Hospital
- Get-well-slow card
- Fire hose
- Smoke bomb
- Kidd's hoverlimo
Synopsis for "Robo-Hunter: Killing of Kidd (part 5)"[]
Sam saves Kidd from his crashing hoverlimo by telling him to use his nappy as a parachute. While Kidd is recovering in hospital a number of visitors come to gloat, and his fans gather outside to shout messages of encouragement. This annoys Kidd, so he sprays them with a fire hose on the grounds that "they oughta know better than to disturb a sick baby!" Sam falls asleep by his charge's bed. A smoke bomb is thrown through the window, and Hoagy wonders if he should wake Sam.
Appearing in "Rogue Trooper: The Assassination Run (part 2)"[]
Featured characters:
Supporting characters:
- Marshal Mooler of the Scum Marines (dies)
- Commandant Marvin of the Sun Legion (dies)
- General Vagner of the Nort army
- Admiral Torpitz of the Nort navy
Other characters:
- Nu Nuremberg, Nu Earth
- Nort standards
- Mr Brass and Mr Bland's vehicle
Synopsis for "Rogue Trooper: The Assassination Run (part 2)"[]
Messrs Brass and Bland tell the Norts that Rogue is in the Nu Nuremberg stadium. Instead of money, they receive a reprimand for using Nort equipment without authorisation. Rogue manages to assassinate two Nort generals in revenge for the Nort conquest of Dix-I, and tells his biochip buddies that from now on their sole aim will be to find the Traitor General. Messrs Brass and Bland go unpunished by the Norts, perhaps because of the confusion arising from the assassinations. They resolve to concentrate harder than ever on finding Rogue, because now the price on his head will be even higher.
Appearing in "Judge Dredd: The Game Show Show (part 2)"[]
- Alan Grant and John Wagner (writing as T. B. Grover)
Featured characters:
Supporting characters:
- Jeremy Weevil, a game show host (dies)
- Harry Karry, horrible host of Don't Give A Damn
- Larry Gruesome, host of The Degeneration Game
- Ted Cringe, reptilian host of Spot the Clot
- Bamber Gastank, intellectual host of The Brain Game
- Crazy Chick Chuckle, a game show host
- Barimore Dreery
Other characters:
- Judge Jones
- Tub of concentrated solvent
- Microwave oven
- Kneepads
- Bottle of poison
- An elephant
- An artificial chin
- One ton of flesh-eating worms
- Dredd's Lawmaster
Synopsis for "Judge Dredd: The Game Show Show (part 2)"[]
Judge Dredd rescues the game show hosts who have survived Barimore Dreery's deadly game. Dreery himself is lured into the 'survival maze' by Dredd and killed by his own show.
Appearing in "The Mean Arena"[]
Featured characters:
Supporting characters:
- Mother Vlad, a.k.a. Eartha Trent
Other characters:
- Kevin O'Connor, the commentator
- Leeds, 2025 AD
- Mobile TV camera
- None
Synopsis for "The Mean Arena"[]
Mother Vlad is killed by enraged members of her team. Matt Tallon lies to the press and says that she told him the names of the last two members of the 'Hexa Gang', whom he is hunting.
Appearing in "Ace Trucking Co.: The Kloistar Run (part 1)"[]
Featured characters:
Supporting characters:
Other characters:
- Lugsters' union official
- B-Hive B, a gigantic mid-space transport depot
- Space
- Macmac dispenser
- Speedo Ghost
- Yellow Snork
Synopsis for "Ace Trucking Co.: The Kloistar Run (part 1)"[]
Ace decides that he and his crew need a nice, easy job for a change, so he signs up to deliver supplies to the planet Kloistar. Unfortunately, this means he'll have to work alongside his arch enemy Jago Kane. While Ace and G.B.H. are sleeping the dastardly Kane cuts his way into Speedo Ghost... and chops off Ace's point!
Published by Fleetway on 28th August 1982. Sold for 18p in the UK.
Letters and pictures from readers are published in the Nerve Centre.
Recommended reading[]
Some of these stories are also collected in trade paperbacks.
Links and references[]
The official website of 2000 AD includes an online shop.