Appearing in "Judge Dredd: The DNA Man (final part)"[]
Featured characters:
Supporting characters:
- Two monsters (die)
- Professor Milton D. Frankenstein (dies)
Other characters:
- Dennis (dies)
- Mabel, a woman selling fresh fruit, cakes and ice cream
- Judge Frust
- Rowdy Yates block
- Professor Frankenstein's laboratory
- Northways Bridge
- Two cups of fresh hot synthi-caf
- Lawmaster
Synopsis for "Judge Dredd: The DNA Man (final part)"[]
Professor Frankenstein has sent his monsters to Dredd's apartment to kill him. Walter distracts them by pouring hot synthi-caf on their heads, which allows Dredd to kill them. Frankenstein makes his way to Northways Bridge with Dennis, the first clone he ever made of himself. Once they are across the bridge they will be out of Dredd's jurisdiction. Dennis stops to kidnap a woman called Mabel. Frankenstein makes it across the boundary line on the bridge. Dredd shoots Dennis to stop him crossing with Mabel. Dennis tells Mabel that he loves her, but she tells him that he's ugly and she doesn't reciprocate his sentiments. The enraged Dennis charges over the boundary line to Frankenstein and jumps off the bridge with him to punish him for making him ugly.
Appearing in "Rick Random: Riddle of the Astral Assassin (part 3)"[]
Featured characters:
Supporting characters:
- Vanda Lane
- Unknown killer
Other characters:
- Garon Aldo (dies)
- Chan (incarcerated)
- Mirabilis (ditto)
- Exon Sanso
- Theophilus
- Jameela
- Dr Marius Fisher
- Hyro Cardan
- The vast asteroid-spaceship Columbia
- Compressed-air gun
- Robo-taxi
Synopsis for "Rick Random: Riddle of the Astral Assassin (part 3)"[]
Rick and his assistant Vanda have arrested Chan and Mirabilis, but they are convinced that the real murderer is still on the loose. The murderer kills Garon Aldo and the pair are just in time to hear his death scream: "AAAAYYYYAAAUUUGGH!" Someone tries to frame Dr Marius Fisher by knocking him out and leaving the murder weapon, a compressed-air gun, next to him. Rick and Vanda want to question the reclusive Hyro Cardan, but he saves them the bother by turning up unexpectedly and saying that he knows who the murderer is.
Appearing in "Strontium Dog"[]
Featured characters:
Supporting characters:
Other characters:
- Don Dork the trucker
- Gargoyles
- Hell dimension
- Tickets out of the Hell dimension
- Don's truck
Synopsis for "Strontium Dog"[]
The Weerd brothers announce that they have four tickets for the dimension warp. Fly's-Eyes tries to form an alliance with them but Hiss shoots him. Johnny, Wulf and their new friend Don defeat the Weerd brothers and take their tickets — and Fly's-Eyes, who is still a wanted man. Mr Sun and Mr Moon cause an earthquake and summon gargoyles, because they don't want Johnny and co. reaching the warp station in time. The gargoyles steal all the gang's tickets apart from Johnny's.
Appearing in "Dan Dare"[]
Featured characters:
Supporting characters:
- The Mekon
- Hagnar the Thraxian
Other characters:
- Exior the Lystrian
- The Guardian
- The planet Lystria
- Gamma-sphere
- Laser-drill
Synopsis for "Dan Dare"[]
On the planet Lystria, the Mekon and the evil Thraxians, led by Hagnar, are killing the Lystrians because they want to steal their crystal of life. The Mekon needs it because he is dying, and he plans to kill Hagnar as soon as their laser-drill has burrowed down to the grotto where it is hidden. Dan Dare and Sondar are also underground in search of the crystal, aided by the Cosmic Claw which the Lystrians have given Dan. However, a gamma-sphere (an orb which can see and hear what's happening) alerts the crystal's monstrous Guardian to their presence...
Appearing in "Ro-Busters: The Fall and Rise of Ro-Jaws and Hammerstein (final part)"[]
Featured characters:
Supporting characters:
- The Angels of Death space interceptors
- P.D. captain (dies)
Other characters:
- Human onlookers
- Space
- Earth
- Long Tom, a long-range space howitzer firing dirty nukes
- The Black Butterfly
- The Satan Dart
Synopsis for "Ro-Busters: The Fall and Rise of Ro-Jaws and Hammerstein (final part)"[]
Space interceptors, known as Angels of Death, are pursuing the Black Butterfly and its cargo of robots seeking a new life on the free robot planet. Ro-Jaws and Hammerstein, still on Earth, fire dirty nukes from a long-range space howitzer at the robots' pursuers: "The Angels of Death are vapourised in the horrifying nuclear explosion!" Ro-Jaws, Hammerstein, Dr. Feeleygood and Gottlieb escape in the Satan Dart with a hostage P.D. captain, who dies of fright. Dr Feeley-Good goes off to look for Casey and Ro-Jaws and Hammerstein walk off into the sunset together singing a song.
Published by Fleetway on June 2nd 1979. Sold for 10p in the UK.
- Despite the cover, Dan Dare and the Mekon don't actually meet in this prog, still less hurl awesome bolts of energy at each other.
- Letters and fan art from readers are published in the Nerve Centre.
Recommended reading[]
Some of these stories are also collected in trade paperbacks.
Links and references[]
The official website of 2000 AD includes an online shop.